Board Meeting Minutes

South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association
Officers and Directors Meeting

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Greenville Convention Center

Greenville, SC

  • President Zach Norris called the meeting to order and presented the minutes from the March Board Meeting. Chris Hamilton moved to approve the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Doug Shaw.

  • Joe Zarzycki from First Citizens provided an investment review.

    • He noted that the majority of the investments are held in the stock market, with a highly diversified portfolio that mitigates potential risks. 

    • To date, the portfolio has generated an approximate return of $22,000.

  • Cindy Jacobs provided the Financial Report.

    • The 2023 audit concluded on December 23, 2024. During the 2023 fiscal year, the SCACA was responsible for paying the salaries of two Executive Directors, Earley and Dula. Additionally, funds were allocated towards the improvement and establishment of the Anderson office.

    • The financial update for 2024 was presented, beginning with an overview of various revenue sources. These included revenues from All-Stars, vendors, memberships, sponsorship funds, and a donation from the City of Myrtle Beach designated for North-South initiatives.

    • Following the revenue overview, the expenses for 2024 were detailed. Notable expenses included payouts for All-Star events, clinic expenses, and the cost of Jostens rings, among others.

  • Scott Earley provided an overview of the SCACA monthly payroll, detailing the total amounts paid to each employee on a monthly basis.

  • Cindy Jacobs presented the current membership total, which stands at 5,290 members as of July 20, 2024. She noted that the membership numbers for six colleges have not yet been entered, and thus, this total is expected to increase.

  • Cindy Jacobs also provided an update on the Clinic vendors, highlighting the addition of approximately 12 new vendors this year. She emphasized the importance of visiting the Exhibit Hall and engaging with the vendors.

  • Lacey Logan presented the 2024 Scholarships Awarded. 

    • Every year the SCACA awards $500 scholarships to students who meet the appropriate criteria and complete the application process. These can be renewed for all four years that the student is in college if he/she maintains a C average and 12 course hours. Of the Herlong Scholarship applicants, 6 are chosen to receive the Carolina Sports scholarship. 

    • This year we awarded 37 new Herlong Scholarships, 6 Carolina Sports Scholarships, and 86 Herlong Scholarship renewals which totaled 129 scholarships - $67,500.

  • Neal Smith provided an overview of the board positions and the election process. 

    • He noted that there are seven elections this year, compared to the typical five, due to two additional open positions resulting from reclassifications. Neal demonstrated the completely online election setup, which will be available at designated tables.

  • Neal Smith reviewed the recent changes to the website and introduced the new Member Center. He highlighted that all clinic information is now accessible on the website, organized by sport. Neal provided a brief overview of the Member Center, expressing the organization's intention to utilize the new website more extensively in the future.

  • Charles Gee presented the SCACA Chaplain Report.

    • Devotional will be held each morning at 8:30 AM.

  • Neal Smith presented "The Dula" awards, recognizing top male and female athletes with The Mary Dula and The Shell Dula Awards. Each award includes one trophy for the player and one to be displayed at their school.

    • Billy Anderson called for a motion to approve the awards. Gregory Wright seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  • Sherry Smith presented the Middle School Report.

    • Membership - 228 

  • Neal Smith and Cindy Jacobs presented the Agenda Booklet for the Clinic. 

    • They proposed that, moving forward, SCACA would allow vendors to purchase advertisement pages in the booklet, with rates set at $200 for a full page and $100 for a half page

  • Scott Earley presented details on the Tomorrow’s 25 Program, which is partnered with Mississippi and led by Dr. Hunter Taylor. A committee has been formed to select the inaugural class of 25 participants. The program aims to retain younger and new coaches and includes a series of five in-person meetings and five virtual meetings.

  • Scott Earley stated that the SCACA was able to obtain an $80,000 grant to go towards Coaches Vs. Overdoses - to be deposited September 15, 2024. 

  • Neal Smith discussed the clinic responsibilities, highlighting the implementation of a new system to track recertification credits. Each member will have a card with a barcode, which will be scanned upon entry to sessions. This system will accurately monitor attendance and the classes each member has attended.

  • Spring Coach of the Year

    • Coach Earley stated that in order to have the Coach of the Year rings in time for the Clinic, he allowed the Auxiliary Chairpersons to select their Spring Coach of the Year. 

  • Neal Smith provided an update on the Touchstone Energy Bowl North vs. South.

    • The plan is to have one nomination for the Shrine Bowl & the Touchstone Energy Bowl rather than two separate nomination forms. This will be completely online. 

    • Joanne Langfitt - 3 North Carolina teams & 3 South Carolina teams 

  • Zach Norris discussed the Business Meeting.

    • 20 and 25 Year Service Awards

    • Nominating Committee for 2nd Vice President

      • Jimmy Woods (Chairman of Committee), Derek Youngblood, Tim Perkins

      • Presidential Appointment for: 

        • Corey Fountain (3A Upper), and William “Billy” Anderson (5A Upper) both will be appointed “At-Large” members

  • Scott Earley presented the information regarding the future meetings. 

    • Thursday, December 12, 2024 - Location TBD

    • Thursday, March 13, 2025 - Laurens 56 Board Office, Clinton, SC

    • July 26-30, 2025 - Greenville Convention Center

  • Brandon Smith called for a motion to adjourn & Tim Perkins seconded the motion.