Article IName

The name of this organization shall be the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, Inc.

Article II. Mission & Objectives: 

Section 1.       Our mission is to promote, protect, and teach the student athletes of South Carolina through effective leadership and professional development of coaches.

Section 2.         The objective of this association is to promote, maintain, and improve the coaching profession through the presentation of the best methods and techniques and any other phase that would benefit coaches individually and collectively, To continually work for the highest standards of ethics and sportsmanship among players, coaches, and communities; to cooperate with the South Carolina High School League in the promotion of a broad and wholesome high school athletic program.

Section 3.      Said Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under sections 501 (c)  (3)  of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Article IIIMembership

Section 1. Active members are individuals actively engaged with middle, junior high and high school athletics or employed full time by schools who are members of the South Carolina High School League.

Section 2. Associate members are administrators whose schools are members of the South Carolina High School League, college coaches, volunteer or part time coaches, private school coaches and administrators whose schools are not members of the of the South Carolina High School League.

Section 3. Honorary members are former active members or associate members of the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, Inc. with a minimum of fifteen years coaching experience in South Carolina:  1. who have retired because of having reached the mandatory retirement age. 2. who have completed the required number of years service for retirement under the South Carolina Retirement System.  3. who have been forced into retirement because of disability.

Article IVDues

The annual membership dues for active and associate members will be set by the Board of Directors.

Article VOfficers, Directors, Election Procedures

Section 1.  The officers of this corporation shall be a president, first vice president, second vice president, executive director and a Board of Directors.  Members of said board shall be elected by the member coaches representing each classificiation of the SC High School League. The remaining members shall be the immediate past presidents of the corporation and they shall serve on the board for three years.  Our Representative on the South Carolina High School League Executive Committee, our Board Member representing the Middle Schools and Junior Highs and our SCACA Chaplain will be selected by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. All active five year members of the corporation shall be eligible to hold office or a directorship in the corporation as provided in Article V.—Section 1.  Additionally, the Office of Executive Director may be held by any member or non member.  The election of officers shall be at the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 3. The Directors will serve for two years.  Each School classification shall have two directors, one from the lower state and one from the upper state.  These Directors shall be elected by the active members in each Classification and section of the State they represent.  The directors will be so elected that there will never be represented on the board a majority of new personnel.  To meet this requirement, board members who have not completed their terms of office but have been forced off because of realignment or other organizational changes shall become members-at-large for one year.

Section 4. The president shall preside at all legislative meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.  The first vice president shall preside in his absence.

Section 5. The first vice-president or president-elect shall become president at the end of the term of office of the elected president.  The second vice president moves into the office of the first vice-president upon its vacancy.  Their terms of office shall be for one year.

Section 6. The second vice-president shall be nominated by the nominating committee.  One year, she/he shall come from the representatives of the lower state and in the successive year she/he shall come from the representatives of the upper state.

Section 7. The office of the executive director shall be chosen by the directors to serve for one year and may succeed himself/herself; he/she shall be paid a salary and expenses as directed by the Board of Directors.  He/she will keep full and accurate records of all board meetings and association meetings.  A copy of these minutes shall be made available to all members.  The Executive Director will have charge of all funds of the corporation and make a report to the members at the annual business meetings each year.  He will pay out all money as directed by the Board of Directors.  The executive director will be answerable to the Board of Directors

Section 8. The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Corporation, deciding all questions and performing all duties not provided in the constitution.

Section 9. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the president during his/her term of office, the first vice-president shall succeed him/her and serve the remainder of the year.  Should a vacancy occur in the other offices, the president, on the advice of the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor.

Section 10.  All Members with five year membership will be eligible to file for election as a director.  At least three months before the annual meeting, the executive director will notify all members of the vacancy that must be filled for the coming year.  Any eligible member wishing to run for this position must write to the executive director, by June 1st, stating that she or he wishes to be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the Board of Directors.  If no one submits their name  it will be duty of the nominating committee to place at least two eligible names on the ballot.  The voting will take place after the annual business meeting by approved classes, and the candidate with the most votes will be elected.  If there is a tie for the most votes there will be a second vote.

Article VICommittees

Section 1. Standing committee shall be appointed by the president or executive director as follows:  (they will meet with the Board of Directors when the president thinks it is necessary.)  The President has power to appoint any other committees he deems necessary.

Constitution and By Laws Committee

Hall of Fame Committee

Scholarship Committee

Nominating Committee

Special committees may be appointed by the President when deemed necessary.

Section 2. Auxiliary Association:

  • Athletic Directors
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • CAWS (Softball & Volleyball)
  • Cheerleading
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Strength
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Cross Country
  • Wrestling

Section 3. If a son or daughter of a scholarship selection committee member is eligible, then that individual will not vote on his/her own sons or daughters nomination but will allow the other members of the committee to do so.

Article VIIMeetings

Section 1. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held during the coaching clinic each year.  The purpose of this meeting shall be to act on legislative proposals and resolutions previously submitted.  Two-thirds of the active members present shall be required for adoption of a proposed amendment.

Section 2. Only active members will be allowed to attend the business meeting sessions of the corporation and vote.

Section 3. The annual coaches clinic is open to the general public, upon the payment of the clinic fee.  The fee is to be set by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. When any member of the executive committee of the coaches association makes a special trip to attend a coaches meeting or executive board meeting, they shall be allowed expenses for travel.  If any member of the executive board receives transportation from his/her own school, he/she shall not collect expense money from the coaches association.

Article VIIIAmendments

Section 1.   Any proposed amendments to the constitution must be in the hands of the executive director by June first.  All active members will be given two weeks notice of the amendment changes to be voted upon at the annual meeting.

Article IXDissolution

Section 1. That this corporation is resolved to operate as a non-profit, eleemosynary organization for the benefit and promotion of high school athletics in South Carolina.  In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in section 501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future law, or to the Federal, State, or local government for exclusive public purpose.

Section 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation will not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law or (b) a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any other corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.



A.  The membership fees will be $50.00 if paid prior to July 10th of each year and $55.00 if paid thereafter or at the clinic.  An additional cost will be added to pay dues to any Auxiliary Associations. You must join the membership before joining any auxiliary. At present these are: Athletic Trainers, Baseball, Basketball, CAWS (softball & volleyball), Cheerleading, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Strength, Swimming, Tennis, Track/Cross Country, and Wrestling.

B.  All Auxiliary organizations that collect membership fees or hold meetings in conjunction with our annual clinic must first be a member of the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, Inc.

C.   If Auxiliary Associations want to raise their dues, the request must be made in writing to the SCACA Board by July 10th of the previous year. Once an auxiliary group receives an increase in dues the group cannot request another increase for at least two years. The Executive Director with Board approval may waive the year time frame.

D.  Auxiliary Associations’ financial statements are due by December 31st of each year.  Once the SCACA office receives the statement, auxiliary dues will be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association.


A.  President:  The President shall be the chairperson of the Board of Directors, and an ex-officio member of all committees, except the committee on nominations.

B.  Vice President:  There shall be a 1st and 2nd vice   president.  In the absence of the president, the vice presidents, in order of rank, shall assume the duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

C. Immediate Past Presidents:  The immediate past president shall serve as chairman of the committee on nominations, as a member of the constitution and by-laws committee and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

D.  Executive Director:  The Executive Director or his/her designee shall perform duties as are listed here-in, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

1. Shall keep the minutes or have video footage for all meetings of the Board of Directors.

2. Shall receive all applications for membership and shall keep a roster of same:  

                and shall have charge of all credentials at the annual clinic.

3.  Shall collect all fees, place said fees in a selected depository, keep accurate records 

                of all funds (including numbered receipts and itemized deposits) and shall render a full    

                and audited financial report to the Board of Directors as soon as possible after the close    

                of the year or at the annual meeting.

4.  Shall send out all notices of meetings and shall have charge of all printing necessary to 

                 the association.

5.  Shall employ such office staff as necessary to perform the business of the association 

                 and within annual budget limitations.

6.  He/She or their designee shall obtain and schedule clinicians and shall solicit exhibitors   

     for the annual clinic.

7.  The salary of the Executive Director will be set by the Board of Directors and will be
      reviewed yearly at the December meeting.

8.  Shall transfer all correspondence, receipts, funds and other materials and equipment to

                 (his/her) successor within a period of 60 days and only after a complete audit of 

                all association finances and properties.

9.  Shall give a least 6 months notice to Board of Directors prior to resigning or 


10. The Executive Director, or an official representative from the association, shall meet 

                  the all-star teams and coaches prior to the first practice to coordinate all 


11.  Shall notify all officers, directors, and committee chairperson of the time and place

                   of scheduled meetings at the annual clinic no less than two weeks prior to say


E.  Board of Directors:  Shall perform the duties listed below.

1. Transact general business of the association.

2. Receive and consider recommendations from the sports chairperson.

3. Establish major administrative policy governing affairs of the association; and devise

                and develop measures for the growth and development of the association.

4. Approve the date and site for the annual clinic.

5. Approve the coaching staffs for the All/Star Games/Matches submitted by Auxiliary


6. Approve Hall of Fame nominees submitted by the Hall of Fame Committee (Past

                Presidents of the SCACA)

7. Approve the Coach of the Year for each sport submitted
    by the Auxiliary Association.

8. Elect the yearly recipient of the Charles Arthur Stuart Athletic Administrator Award

                and the Tallulah & Keith Richardson Distinguished Service Award.

9. Supervise election of new directors. The candidate receiving the most votes in the

                Board election will be elected.

F. Sports Chairperson:  Duties are:

1.  To recommend to Executive Director clinicians for the annual clinic.

2.  To recommend to the Executive Director All Star Coaches for North-South
      Games/Matches.  Upon checking membership and years, the Executive Director will
      make the final decision with Board approval

3.  Sports Chairperson will meet with the board at the March board meeting and report 

                 any business they deem necessary.

4.  Appointments for sports chairperson will be for a 3 year term beginning 1981. They 

      can serve longer if agreeable.


A. The Board of Directors shall meet prior to the annual clinic.

B. The Board of Directors shall meet during the week of the North/South All-Star Football Game.

C. The Board of Directors shall meet prior to the annual Principals/AD Conference which is held in March.

D. The Annual Business Meeting will be held during the All-Sports Clinic.

E. The Board of Directors shall meet any other time deemed necessary by the president or the Executive Director.

  1. The Executive Board may transact business in person or via telephone/conferencing services.

  1. The Executive Board Members must attend ⅔ of scheduled or called meetings. Board Members failing to meet commitment requirements may be removed from the position. The Executive Director and President shall appoint a replacement to fulfill the term.

F.  The Association will pay the expense of the Executive Director and spouse or their designee to attend any national meetings that are deemed to be necessary by the Board of Directors or the Executive Director.  The rate for these persons representing the association at meeting and conventions, etc. will be as listed below: As long as budget allows.

Travel:  Car: state rate

Plane: commercial flight plus taxi fee.

Lodging: Pay the entire fee for the room.


The following awards will be made by the Association.

1. Twenty Year, twenty-five year, thirty year, thirty-five year, forty year, forty-five year, 

     fifty year, fifty-five year and up (in increments of 5 years) service awards.

2.  Presidents Award

3.  Coach of the Year Awards

4.  Assistant Coach of the Year

5.  Middle or Junior High School Coach of the Year

6.  Hall of Fame

7.  Charles Arthur Stuart Athletic Administrator Award

8.  Tallulah & Keith Richardson Distinguished Service Award

9.  Special Service Awards to Members going off board

10. The Dula Award


A. Selection of Coaches

1.  A list of nominated All-Star Coaches is sent to the SCACA Office by each auxiliary

  group that sponsors an All-Star event. After checking to make sure all nominated 

              coaches are a current SCACA member with a minimum of 5 years, the list of 

              nominated coaches are sent to the Board of Directors for approval.

2.  The 5 year membership requirement can be waived by the Executive Director if 

                  Extenuating circumstances exist.

B. Selection of Personnel 

1.  All participants in our North/South All-Star Games/Matches and all participants in 

                 SC vs. NC (or other states) Games/Matches must be nominated by their head 


2.  All participants must be in their final year of eligibility.

3.  All participants and their parent/guardian must return to the SCACA office or its

                 designee a signed Letter of Acceptance agreeing to rules and regulations

                 established by the SCACA and the appropriate auxiliary association.

4.  Sponsorship fee for each individual participating in a North/South event or SC vs. NC

 (or other states) events are $200.

5.  If a student athlete is chosen to participate in a North/South All-Star event or a 

                 SC vs. NC (or other states) and the nomination form is received after the

                 published deadline, there will be a $100 late fee.

6.  If a student athlete is chosen to participate in a North/South All-Star event or a 

                 SC vs. NC (or other states) and the head coach is not a SCACA member,

                 the sponsorship fee will be $300.


A. Clinicians, Officers, and Directors – no alcoholic beverages may be charged to the association expense account.

B. All clinicians must be secured by the Executive Director or his/her designees.

C. All exhibitors must be secured by the Executive Director or his/her designees.


Financial report will be made at each board meeting, or any time the board requests.  

A complete audit, by an outside firm, will be distributed to the Board of Directors at the July meeting.


A.  The Bylaws can be amended by the Board of Directors with a majority vote at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting, a special called meeting, or via telephone/conferencing services.